How to reward staff without it costing

I am often asked by clients how they can reward staff for good work without it costing them heaps.  Sure, there are incentive plans linking bonuses to performance - but there are many small ways you can give a reward and these can be more timely.

Critical is that rewards must be authentic and this means thoughtful - it is not handing out an "employee of the week" award at random.  Suggestions I have come across include:

  • Finding something specific to say thank you for to each direct report once a month
  • Give a handwritten note whenever you say thanks or recognise them
  • Get to know your employee's preferences and keep a small present handy
  • Sometimes take them out for a coffee or lunch - nothing big (but don't do this when you want to reprimand them)
  • Wish them a happy birthday
  • Identify a suitable personal development activity/course
  • Find a task that gives them a new responsibility

And don't hesitate to call me if you want to do something more formal

Need help managing staff?

Mike has a wealth of experience advising on every aspect of the employer-employee relationship. I can give you per-phone guidance or work along side you to make things happen.

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