Health Safety Law passed with my amendment

Allow me to blow my own trumpet - at least this one time!  When I spoke to the Select Committee on behalf of small businesses I asked for one thing to be changed from the Bill to the Law.  I requested that they provide an exemption for businesses under 20 employees from the requirement to allow a H&S representative or Committee if they are asked.  This they have done - except for high-risk industries.  

The new law will be in force from 4 April 2016 and brings with it a raft of obligations not only for companies but also for individuals who run them.  In the next few months we will see a number of regulations and codes of practice issued and I will be providing a number of summaries.  

For the moment be advised that if you do not have a decent H&S system in place, you will need one and if you do you will need to update its terminology at least.  But for small places like mine, at least we don't have to have Committees.  Just make sure you keep your people safe.

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