Health and Safety Legislatio​n - Support me request changes of the Select Committee

The wheels of government turn - albeit slowly, and some 8 months after making my submission I have been asked to go and talk to the Select Committee debating the Bill, on December 1.

I am in essence requesting them to consider three things:

There should be an exemption for organisations with less than 20 staff (inclusive of volunteers and contractors) from clause 65 of the Bill which allows a worker to require a Health and Safety Representative;There should be a similar exemption from clause 88 which would otherwise allow 1 representative or 5 workers to require the formation of a H&S Committee;There should be a definition of "reasonably practicable" in clause 61 that indicates a formal H&S representative and Committee may not be reasonably practicable for businesses of less than 20 workers.

The full text of my submission, which also covers other more minor recommendations can be found here.

I am saying that I represent a range of small businesses so it would be particularly good if I could table a list of those organisations that specifically support my proposed changes.

Please can you indicate your support, if you are willing for me to disclose your organisation name, by responding to this email no later than November 27 and confirming your agreement with 1 to 3 above.

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